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The Best Spring Mommy and Me Activities

The best mommy and me activities to get you out of the house. 

I currently work part-time at Blowfish Malibu, which leaves me at home three days a week with my 10-month-old baby girl. I am always trying to find new, fun things to do to get us out of the house, which got me thinking. I’m sure there are other stay-at-home or part-time mommas who are in the same boat! So I have come up with a list of the best mommy and me activities to get you out of the house this spring.

Check it out!

Head to a local botanical garden:

I am a sucker for a good deal so Groupon is my best friend. I recently found a $30 year-long membership for two people at my local botanical garden. Sign me up! I’ve taken Baby B twice so far and both times I took her push car instead of a stroller. She was able to see, touch, and interact with the flowers and plants, which she loved! I also packed a blanket and some lunch and we had a picnic. Sweetest thing ever! We met some other local families and also a very curious squirrel. Overall, it was probably the best purchase of the year so far. Have you checked to see if you have a local botanical garden near you?

Go to the aquarium:

There are so many outdoor family activities in Southern California, but I love the idea of going to the aquarium to get out of the hot sun. We’re fortunate enough to live near the Long Beach aquarium and, while I was worried Baby B wouldn’t be old enough to engage, she loved it! She had a great time looking at all the fish and seeing the different colors and textures. Plus she loved seeing all of the other kids there too.

Image Source: visitlongbeach.com

Explore an indoor kid gym:

I personally haven’t tried this one yet, but have really been wanting to go to an indoor gym for kids. Again, I was worried that since she can’t walk yet it would be a waste of time. But I have friends with kids around the same age and they swear by these gyms! I’m also a bit of a germ-a-phobe, and indoor play gyms kind of scare me, but I guess I can’t shelter her from germs forever. BRB, going to check Groupon to see if any local gyms have deals.

Image Source: livingswag.com

Visit a public library:

Our local library hosts storytime a couple of times a week and my daughter loves attending! Sometimes the local police bring in their police dogs and, let me tell you, she is a major animal lover. Even at 10 months, she will sit and listen to the story being read and then crawl off to play with toys. Because let’s be honest, other people’s toys and books are always more fun than yours at home!

Go to the Zoo:

This goes hand in hand with the aquarium, where even if your kiddo isn’t walking yet, the animals, sights, and sounds are still so interesting to them. Find some local mommas who are at home the same days as you and get a group to go together.

Image Source: littlemissfearless.com

Take trains:

Go anywhere local with trains! They are like magic to babies and toddlers. And if you can travel by train anywhere I highly recommend it!

Image Source: bizbash.com

I would love to hear some of the mommy and me things you do to get out of the house with your little ones!

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